Industry recognitions

Women Entrepreneur of Year 2020
MSME Chamber of Commerce and Industry of India(CCII) in association Ministry of MSME GOI and Other Supporting Organisations, had organised an event/conference “MSME- CCII Greentech Asia Award 2020, for industries in MSME Sector (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises)/Start-up Success Stories” from 2nd Feb to 4th Feb 2020, at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi. Around 70 Domain Experts, 850 plus Delegates from various countries like Australia, Japan, Germany among others along with 50 plus Start-Ups from India and abroad participated in this event.
As a part of this event/conference, they had nominated some organizations/people in various categories for recognition.
Anisha Sharma Executive Director of IDS Omni Solutions (P) Ltd , won the coveted Award as “Women Entrepreneur of the Year 2020” on sustainability, in the above conference of MSME CCII.
IDS Omni Solutions (P) Ltd was incorporated in the year 2012 and is registered in Himachal Pradesh with two branches located at Chandigarh and Pune.